It’s a condition found in many people to have asymmetrical facess. When facial asymmetry is more pronounced, it can affect your daily life or be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.
Many people have asymmetrical faces, and the asymmetry can range from very mild to severe. On an asymmetrical face, the features don’t line up exactly or create a mirror image on both sides of your face.If a person has always had asymmetrical features, there is no cause for concern.
It’s a condition found in many people to have asymmetrical facess. When facial asymmetry is more pronounced, it can affect your daily life or be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Facial asymmetry can affect your physical appearance and limit how your nose, mouth, and eyes function. It can look like:
Cheek retrusion
Eye displacement
Eyebrow lowering
Brown bone and
forehead protrusion
Nasal deviations
Facial Asymmetry Causes
There are a various types of Facial Asymmetry Causes like :
Genetics: Sometimes an asymmetrical face is the result of an individual’s genetics. People with asymmetrical features may notice that other members of their family have similar characteristics.
Ears – This could look like a small difference s in ear shape or the absence of an entire ear.
Ear canals – They might be underdeveloped or missing, which may affect hearing.
Lower jaw (or mandible) – It could be malformed, with the chin pointed to one side or with an irregular bite.
Facial nerves – Each facial nerve has multiple branches that allow facial movements.
Eyes or eye sockets – They might be smaller than normal or completely absent.
Other Possible Causes
Facial asymmetry can be a result of other causes like:
Lifestyle choices, like smoking or prolonged sun exposure
Medical or health conditions, like a cleft palate
Rare disease
Facial Asymmetry Treatments
An asymmetrical face does not usually require any treatment or medical intervention. This is especially true if the asymmetry is due to genetics or aging. However, if a person is concerned with their appearance due to an asymmetrical face, there are some cosmetic procedures they can consider.
Fillers Inserting fillers into a face by way of injection may help asymmetry caused by tissue imbalance or muscle weakness. However, their effects are not permanent and will eventually fade.
Facial implants If a person has an asymmetric face due to their skeletal structure, facial implants may be an option to consider.Facial implants are meant to be permanent and usually contain: